Weed Control

By Cindy Poore

I was recently blessed to hear Nick Schnieder from the Mojave Water Agency speak about “Putting your lawn on Life Support.” A very good talk.

The drought is causing us to do things we might not do if we had more choices. Nick spoke of a few ways to help your lawn through this stressful drought.


#1 best and easiest tip is to cut your lawn higher.

I think most of you have heard me speak about grass cycling and proper lawn maintenance for the different seasons. Cutting your lawn higher during stress conditions was always in the picture, it is just so much more important now.

Longer grass has more moisture reserve to keep the core grass plant alive in drought situations. Longer grass also shades the soil around the grass better, conserving soil moisture allowing your grass to get by with less. A small step that can mean a lot.


#2 Spread your watering out with shorter, more frequent watering. Some call it Cycle and Soak.

Normally I would want to have as many days between watering to encourage your grass roots to search for water training them to be deeper rooted and less susceptible to weather and top of soil conditions. Most cities have limited the days you can water. So the limited days to water lawns is actually a good long term plan. The problem is, most of our lawns have not been “trained” before the watering limits were fobbed upon us.

The best way to live with the 10 minute per station limit such as Apple Valley has imposed is to divide up the 10 minutes in half and water  near the beginning of your allotted days and at the end of the allotted day so that you in effect get 6 days of (albeit limited) water instead of 3. So if for example one of your days is Wednesday, water for 5 minutes at 3 am and for 5 minutes at 11pm.  The 3 am watering will help your Wednesday grass and the 11 pm will help your Thursday grass. If you do not have the 10 minute limit, then there is no reason you can’t keep you lawn going.


#3 It’s going to look different.  Understand that things will look and act different than you are used to or would like. Your grass will maybe get a little thin. It will definitely not be as green. Remember, we are talking about surviving and not necessarily thriving.

Hang in there, it is not forever. But maybe this is a good time to re-evaluate what really is important to you in the long run to see if more permanent changes are needed. Be smart with your watering and remember, together we are better!

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“Sometimes we are tested, not to show our weaknesses, but to discover our strengths”            Anonymous

September is a pretty good month!

One of my favorite months because it’s my birthday month, but also because traditionally the month school started when I was a kid.  I loved school because it came with a new box of crayons and tablet! And still do love to learn every chance I get.


I love to find new ways to create lovely garden settings for my clients. Clients will ask for something in particular that is important to them and I will try to craft a landscape around those needs and desires. It makes for a lot of variety in our landscapes.  Ponds and waterfalls, contemplation gardens, medicine wheels, bocce ball courts, memory gardens, and tropical paradise are all requests that we have crafted into local landscapes.  In every single landscape I learned something new from my clients. It is a very collaborative effort and tons of fun.

September is a great month for maintaining status quo. Not quite ready for fall cleanups, but the days are getting a little shorter. Now they just have to get a bit cooler and we will all save more water as the plants will need less then.


Loving the Designs!
I’m working on lots of different design and landscape projects at the moment and the theme for a few of them seem to be clean, simple lines. I was looking for a built-in bench that would be simple enough for the homeowner to put together. I found this bench online and can’t wait to try it! It would look great with a dark oil stain.
The predictions are for a lot of rain this winter. It has it pros and cons, but perhaps we should all think about getting ready. Look over your yard for potential drainage issues, plumbing to protect from freezing and perhaps store up some sand bags. Just in case.

By Cindy Poore



I can feel it. I can taste it. Spring. Yes, it is still cold and occasionally wet. But just enough sunny days out there to warm up the earth for optimum growth potential.


And the weeds have heard as well. They have taken over in droves in so many of the places that lay fallow all winter long. We are systematically knocking them down, yard by yard. If you need help with your weed issues, give us a call. We have been busy with weed control, but will be glad to help you.


The best news is that it is finally warm enough to venture outside and survey the damage from winter. Time to tidy up the yard. You have been patiently waiting to cut back the dead leaves and stems of your perennial plants. Iris, daylilies, sages and the like need their dead foliage removed now to allow the new green growth to pop up and get growing. Rake up the drifts of wind-blown leaves to clean up the yard.


How do you know how much to cut back?  When you are not certain how a plant will respond to cutting back, lightly prune back in the fall. In the spring if it is mainly sprouting near the base, then you can safely cut it back to the sprouts. If it is leafing out all over the plant then leave it alone and only cut it back to control size.


If you have not yet pruned your fruit and deciduous trees, there is still time, so go ahead and get that done before they are completely leafed out. Much easier to prune the trees when you can see the branch structure without the leaves.


Next up? FERTILIZE.  Especially for lawns, now is the time to give them a feeding to green them up and help them recover from the winter cold.  Fertilize your trees, shrubs and perennials as well.


You should see spring annuals in the stores now. Still time for some nice color from some pansies or Iceland poppies which could last until June with tons of color.  Put them in large pots in select places around your garden. Plant the pot with a landscape shrub with room for the annuals on the side. Or spend your money on some perennials. Perennials are a good investment as they come back year after year but they will be a bit scarce for a few more weeks.


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March Checklist

Watch your plants carefully for small aphids. They will appear in droves this time of year. The best way to deal with them is to wash off the plant initially a couple of days in a row. If that is not possible or if that does not work, apply a systemic insecticide and that will give a longer term control. Aphids normally will not kill your plants, but will make a sticky mess and attract ants as well.


If you have weeds, hoe them out or kill them before they produce seeds. Seeds beget more weeds and you will prevent thousands potential plants by removing weeds and their carcasses off site early before they bloom.


Time to plant! March is a great time to start planting in the ground the standard landscape plants. March is really time to start your seeds. There is still a possibility for some snow in the high desert and the mountain areas and killing frosts in the inland valley this month and into April. Sowing seeds but starting them indoors or in a cold frame outdoors during this month is a smart move. You can transplant them into the ground in April, early or late depending on your location.


I like to start the seeds in cardboard egg cartons that have a hole poked in the bottom and filled with some starter soil. Plant the seeds, a few per eggs space. Place the egg carton on a rimmed cookie sheet and water the whole thing. Put plastic wrap over the top to keep the moisture in and check on every few days to see that it doesn’t dry out. When the seedlings begin to pop up, remove the plastic wrap and allow the tiny plants to grow up keeping them moist. Transplant the seedlings, egg cup and all in the ground or a much larger pot. The cardboard will decompose and allow the plant roots to expand. Keep transplanted seedlings protected until May.


February is the month of love and no where else is love more abundant than in your garden right now. “Really?” You say. “I don’t think so.” As you peer out your window  to the cold and gloomy February outdoors.


But yes, the love is all around you, deep in the heart of your plants and soil. It is waiting. Waiting to be cultivated with just a little love and attention to bud and bloom and blossom into what can be. It will become heavy with fruit and green lusciousness for you to revel in very soon.


Ok. Like all good things love (and your garden) will take some time and effort, but it is so worth it!


So when you look out and see just cold empty spaces; remember it is up to you to make things grow.


“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.”  Cynthia Occelli



Cash for Grass Program


We live in a desert. That is literally everybody in Southern California not just the High Desert areas. We grew up with a feeling of abundance when it came to using water in our homes and on our yards. Things need to change. We only have one earth and we need to conserve to keep it going in a healthy direction. We can do just as well with a lot less. We actually can do better!


More than half of the water used at residences and businesses that are landscaped is spent on outdoor watering. If your current  landscaping is  mostly or a large part grass, re-landscaping it into an attractive water-wise landscape is one of the best ways to help save water.


Locally here in the Victor Valley we have the Cash for Grass Program. Our local program gives you the opportunity to convert your grass into desert-adaptive and water-wise landscaping, with a monetary rebate when you do.


Of course, there are rules and restrictions to the program. You must have living grass to apply. Your grass can be dormant, but if it has been dead for a while you won’t qualify.  You can apply through your water company who will give you all the particulars.


Once approved you will get a letter with the guidelines for the program and you will get a list of approved plants to install. The list is large and quite variable for lots of different looks so you really aren’t roughing it when it comes to “making do” with a water-thrifty landscape. You do not have to remove ALL your lawn. You can keep some of your grass if you like, it is just not part of the rebate square footage.

You do not have to hire anyone to do the removal or new installations for you. There are no “approved or not approved vendors”.  You can do this all on your own if you feel you are up to the task. However, if you want professional help or advice, design or guidance, removal services or installations services, give us a call. We can do that for you.


February is the time for Insect Prevention

Getting ahead of the game is where it is at. Modern science has given us many tools to help us with preventing problems with our bodies and so too there are things we can do preventively to help prepare our trees and plants to be healthier and ward off attack from pest and disease. February is a great month to apply dormant oil to deciduous trees to coat the branches with the oil that will smother overwintering insects and larvae.


It is also a great month to apply a systemic treatment to the base of large evergreen and deciduous trees. It takes time for the product to be taken into the plant’s conductive tissues and to be distributed throughout the plant’s branches, stems and needles or leaves. The larger the tree or shrub, the longer the process takes. Which makes late winter/early spring a great time to apply protection before the new leaves have emerged. Prevention is key for insects like borers because when they get a foothold on the plant, it is harder to control them than it is to prevent them. So keep your plants healthy with some preventative measures.


February is also for Dormant Pruning

Hurry! Now is the time to do your dormant pruning for your fruit trees, grapes, cane berries, wisteria, roses and other woody dormant plants. Soon the warm weather will cause them to respond with aggressive growth and you want to “direct” their energies with the proper pruning. I like to say that by pruning, you are talking to your plants and telling them what is expect of them. It is much easier to  manage this now rather than when they are out of control in a few months.


Don’t forget this is a good month for:


Weed prevention and control before they get out of hand.

Stock your bird feeders.

Plant bare-root trees and shrubs

Break out the seed catalogues and order your seeds

Plan this year’s garden changes

Build your raised gardens and prep the soil.


We Are Here to Help You With

All Your Landscape Needs

(760) 868-6104


My Favorite Recipes


White Chicken Chili

I have had recipes for white chicken chili I have been considering trying. Chicken being low in fat and chili being full of taste and both being warm in your tummy for a nice winter meal. Pair with a salad and some corn bread and you are all set.


I had a hard time finding a recipe that doesn’t make a ton of food. There are just two of us and the hubs doesn’t want to be eating the same stuff for days and neither do I. So I took the other recipes and adapted them to the one below. It is EASY, QUICK and strangely enough, tastes cheesey (without any cheese?) What’s up with that??  I don’t know, but you are sure to enjoy this “a little bit different” chili.


1 can cream of chicken soup

1 can of white beans, drained

1 small can of chopped green chilies

2 cooked chicken thighs shredded (or 8 oz)

2 tablespoons taco seasoning.

Put all ingredients into a medium sauce pan and simmer over medium heat for 30 minutes and serve. Makes 2-3 generous servings.


To make things a bit spicier, chop 1 small onion and sauté in the sauce pan first with a tsp of olive oil until the onion is almost translucent. Add ½ to 1 fresh jalapeno (minced without seeds) to the pan and sauté 2 minutes more and then add all the other ingredients and cook as above. Yum!


By Cindy Poore

Look at that. Just by changing one letter we went from a resolution to a revolution. BIG difference. A new day, a new month, a new year is always nice. A fresh start to the rest of your life. And how better to kick off your new life but with a tiny change.


We usually make big promises to ourselves at the start of the year that often get dropped in a few weeks because the promise was too big. How about if you start small?


Some times the smallest thing can make a BIG difference and they are easier to keep going. I  started a few years ago with quitting soda and look where it took me. That small thing let to other things and it led me to a new and healthier life of exercising and eating real food, feeling great and looking a lot better too. A real revolution in my life.


Sometimes we let barriers we build for ourselves get in our way and keep us from moving forward. X has to happen before we can do Y and so on.  Just ask yourself is that really true? What would happen if it didn’t go down that way. You just may make a small change that changes your whole world. Think about it and make 2015 your Revolution to your new world.


Cold enough for ya?


Yup it finally got cold, AND we had rain and some got snow. Now everybody is scurrying from the car to the house with nary a glance to the outdoors. Just get inside and get warm!  But your yard and garden still need your help.

When it is cold like this, you need to keep an eye on the weather.  When we get rain and or  snow you do not have to water your garden so make sure your sprinkler clock is shut off  for a bit until it needs watering again. Yea!!


How much moisture fell from the sky will determine when you need to water again.  I’ve said this before about watering in the winter. Some people just turn off the clocks in November and don’t turn them on again until April and others never touch their clocks at all and their watering system continues as it did in the summer. Neither approach is correct.


Changeable weather conditions here can make scheduling watering during the winter months difficult because so much needs to be taken into consideration. Soil type, precipitation or lack thereof and freeze conditions make your scheduling life difficult.


To help properly know when to water, new sprinkler controllers known as “smart controllers” are helping people better know when to water.  Smart controllers use weather stations or soil moisture sensors to determine when and how long water.  These new irrigation controllers take the guess work out of watering your landscape.   Call us if you need advice on when and how to water. If you feel like one of the “smart controllers might be a good fit for your needs, call us we can install that for you as well.


(760) 868-6104


Pluviophile : (n) a lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days




Got fruit or nut trees? NOW is the time to prevent lots of problems with a dormant oil application. Dormant oil is an organic method for preventing overwintering insects from ruining your fruit this summer. For apples and pears with coddling moth this is the least expensive treatment option that will give good results.


Not much can easily eradicate the coddling moth once your trees are infested. But you can minimize them with good orchard sanitation by pruning your trees now and removing all tree litter under your trees and applying a good dormant oil application now.


Other Coddling moth treatments require repeat applications of pricey organic treatments with perfect timing of stage of development and degree days. Dormant oil is the next best option. Treat with dormant oil and inspect your fruit when it is forming. Thin your fruit and bag each fruit with paper bags or nylon sacks (made from old pantyhose). Dispose of any fruit (off site) that you find with the worms as soon as you find them.



With the rain comes the weeds!

You will see the green coming to the valley in the weeks ahead. The lovely rain we had is all that is needed to wake up the weed seeds that have been lying dormant until now. Give us a call and we can spray to kill those weeds, or better yet, call us now and we will put down a weed preventer with the weed killer and you will not see weeds for months to come!


Plan and organize your veggie garden and order the seeds you will want to grow this spring. Try something different this year, even if only in a pot!


Time to prune those rose bushes! January is the typical month to do the annual severe pruning for your rose bushes to develop strong, healthy canes and beautiful roses come this spring. We can do it for you. Call us.


Need help with scheduling, pest or weed issues  or removing your water thirsty grass? Give us a call!


We Are Here to Help You With

All Your Landscape Needs

(760) 868-6104




By Cindy Poore


Where did the time go? It is almost fall. I long for fall the way a kid longs for  Christmas. (that’s just around the corner too!) Fall is my time. The time for shorter, hopefully cooler days. Time to regroup and plan that last frenzy of activity you just HAVE to get done this year before the weather goes to heck. We are busy planning and planting some awesome new landscapes to get in before fall right now.


Fall is the BEST time for planting. Even in Wrightwood where winters are cold and frosty. Who doesn’t love a frosty morning, sipping something hot while sitting in the chill air outside and gazing on a beautiful scene in your yard?


So you are going to the nursery to buy some plants? Go with knowledge. I haunt the nurseries. It is like Disneyland to me. I want to take one (or more) of everything home. I was just at a big box store yesterday and saw some lovelies I would like to own.

These beautiful Morning Glories would be a great choice! They will look great,


until they don’t when it gets cold and then they will sleep until spring and decorate your yard next year.


Just as amazing are these hibiscus and particularly, the YELLOW hibiscus which seems uncommon. Unfortunately, hibiscus will not tolerate temperatures below 30 degrees and will die come winter unless extreme measures are taken to protect them all winter long.


So why do the nurseries up here sell these guys and temp us with this contraband? Just to make money off us? Well not entirely.


People forget that plants are living things and do not live forever. Both large and small plants and trees. If we keep in mind that everything has a place and time, we can enjoy all the world has to offer.


Plants, are just like everything else in your life, such as places, opportunities and especially people. They come into our lives and decorate them. But not forever. Appreciate this. Embrace this. Enjoy what you have while you have it.





“Gratitude Changes EVERYTHING”



August Garden Tasks

August is the peak of the garden season. Wonderful harvests from your fruit trees and veggies are pushing out produce like little mad scientists. Pick them quick or they will morph into something a bit unusual. Or the birds or squirrels will get them. You reap what you sow, so now is the time.


` Problems with worms in your apples or pears? I’m sorry to tell you that this is a MAJOR deal! Coddling moth is no joke. You should rip every one off the tree right now and pick up the ones on the ground and throw them away. Sad but necessary. Then for sure, apply dormant spray in winter. When leaves are gone but before new buds show up. This will help, but may not cure. Other treatments for Coddling Moth are expensive, repetitive and have to be timed expertly. Do this at a minimum. Don’t let fruit or plant debris sit on the ground overwinter.


`Idea for your next evening party? I’m just so into tea lights.  Put some pretty tea lights into a quart Mason jar the light with long wooden matches and place on tables and little spots here and there in the garden. Want to hang them? Get some sturdy Florists wire and wrap several times around the mason jar just under the threads and create a “handle” out of the wire. Make the handle long enough so the heat from the flame is not a problem. Hang from branches of trees or hooks on your patio cover. Instant ambiance.


` Divide Iris July is best, but it is not too late to divide your iris now. Go out and multiply!


` Plant seedlings of fall crops such as broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts now. Sow, carrots, green


` Harvest herbs for drying right now. Keep from direct sun and place between two screens to air dry.


`Drought Priorities. Drought is everyone’s problem. You invested a lot of time and money into your landscape. Don’t loose it all because of crappy weather. Managing your yard’s watering system is critical!  Our priorities for water for your landscape is to wean your plant off too-often watering. PLEASE work to manage your watering schedule so you will have healthier plants and a smaller water bill. Water your plants deeply and less frequently. If you have slope areas, water shorter multiple times with some time between waterings so water can sink in instead of rolling off. But you should not be watering multiple times and every day unless your landscape is brand spankin new! Call us and we will help you manage your water, not waste it.


Let Us Help You With All Your Landscape Needs

(760) 868-6104


My Favorite Recipes


Get your GRILL ON!


Keep grillin. Summer is not over yet! Try these for a tasty vegetarian snack or side dish at your favorite BBQ party. You can leave out the chopped kale or substitute fresh spinach or other green. I just try to incorporate more healthy greens into our meals when ever I can.


Cheese Stuffed Peppers


1 cup (8 oz) cream cheese room temp.

½ cup (4 oz)Shredded Parmesan

¼ cup Kale ( chopped fine)

4 mini bell/sweet peppers

4 Anaheim chilies

Salt and pepper

Olive oil


Take several wooden tooth picks and soak in water while preparing dish. In a small bowl, combine the cream cheese, parmesan,  and kale if desired. Salt and pepper to taste.


Wash peppers and with a sharp knife, cut ¾ the way through the stem end near the top. Gently fold back the stem end being careful not to separate from the chili and scrape the seeds and membrane from the peppers. Fill peppers with the cheese mixture and replace top. Secure top if needed with a wooden tooth pick soaked in water. Brush with olive oil and grill on a hot grill for 5 to 7 minutes just until pepper skin blisters and cheesey mixture starts to melt.

Yum. Enjoy with a glass of tea or wine!