
By Cindy Poore

I am always looking for inspirational bits to keep me focused on my goals and I ran across this little gem below. I like it because it demonstrates that growth is not always pretty, some destruction is necessary. That is very true in life as well as the garden. Since my life is spent in one garden or another, I tend to blur the lines of distinction between life and the garden because they actually are one in the same for me. There is nothing more exciting than creating an outdoor space that will allow someone to live a more beautiful life. One that is a reflection of what they are or want to be. One that they can fully love because it is completely tuned to them and their lifestyle and their needs and abilities to take care of it. One of the best parts of my job… So January is all about beginning and planning for the future. I am working with some clients now doing just that and the process is sometimes a little messy, hence the quote below. But it is definitely worth it!



“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.”  Cynthia Occelli

The Victor Valley Master Composters are meeting next Tuesday, September 10 from
6:00 – 7:30 p.m. at the Victorville City Hall, Conference Room D.  After the
short Master Composter meeting, Cindy Poore, owner of Perfection Landscape will
be giving a presentation on drought tolerant landscaping.  The public is welcome
to attend, so feel free to invite your friends.  Don Woo, project coordinator has  also invited the Barstow
group in case they were interested in the presentation.


There is nothing more beautiful and versatile than pavers for those areas you want to have vehicle or foot traffic on, but insist that it be long lasting as well as lovely. Pavers are the ultimate in durability, beauty and sustainability. Pavers are permeable so allow for rainfall to be  absorbed by the soil. Much better than running off concrete surfaces and contributing to erosion.Very green!

If you are looking to install an area with pavers, you should keep in mind that its a lot of work!  Here is a link to a great article in Wikipedia that will explain the process. . If you're not ready  to do all that work yourself, give us a call and we can do the work for you.