huming bird

We like to feed our humming birds. I’ve always just put some sugar and water into our hummingbird feeder and shook it up until it dissolved and they seem to like it. HOWEVER, recently the boss ( who is kinda getting into cooking lately) decided to try a hummingbird food recipe. He cooked it up and the birds have been flocking to the feeders! I could only capture 1 or two in the frame of the picture, but there are now usually 4 or 5 hummingbirds at any given time.
Try this recipe. It’s easy!
Nectar for the Birds 1 part sugar to 4 parts water Place the water in a sauce pan. Stir the sugar into the water while bringing the mixture to a boil. Apparently the boiling removes any chlorine and kills mold or yeast spores that might be in the sugar.
Boil for two minutes, no more. More will change the dilution ratio and won’t be as attractive to the birds.  No need to add the food coloring. It is not necessary  to add the food coloring and it may even be harmful to the birds. Cool the solution to room temperature and fill your feeder only part way so it wont spoil before they finish it. Store extra nectar in your fridge. Try it your birds will LOVE it.

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